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Social Fridays: Round-up of the Best Social Networking Stories and Videos this Week

If you're bored at work and itching to get yourself through the day then you know the drill! Rather than surfing around trying to keep yourself occupied before you make a quick sprint to the door when it's home time; catch up on stories that have been causing a storm on the social network sites this week, right here and right now..

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Here's our Top 5 Social Friday Stories

1. Gets Sued Into Oblivion – It’s time for to change or close up. A lawsuit against the company might just prompt some movement.

2. Woman Loses $400,000 to Nigerian E-Mail Scam – An Oregon woman who is out $400,000 after falling for a well-known Internet scam says she wasn’t a sucker or an easy mark.

3. Barack Obama Uses a Mac – Here’s an interesting factoid you probably didn’t know.

4. The ‘Minority Report’ computers become reality! – If you’ve been waiting for that Minority Report-style interface to really come to fruition, you can finally exhale.

5. 25GB in 70 seconds with USB 3.0 – The USB 3.0 specification guarantees an increased performance of 10 times.

Here's our top 5 Social Friday videos
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2. Roomba Driver

3. Bullseye

4. Amazing Unicycle Skills

5. Lewis Hamilton interview with a twist!

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An absolute tech junky, I graduated from the University of Manchester with a degree in Computing and now live on the outskirts of Leeds working with you guessed it, Computers. I love all things gadgety but really dislike wires. For those of you who haven’t worked it out the name of the site is a combination of my nickname (Gaj) and the pronunciation ‘Gadget’.