I don’t need to tell you that Christmas is just around the proverbial corner thanks to the marketing efforts of many shops out there. What we can tell you though is that there’s no need to break the budget and live off canned beans for a month just to get some decent goodies under the tree.
Check out our selection of credit crunch toys to get the stocking stuffed for less than £20, and in many cases- under a tenner! also check out my selection of Secret Santa gifts under £5 – here.
Panicking on what Christmas gifts to buy your family or friends? Click here to view our full list of comprehensive gift guides"¦
First on our list is a game that will while away the hours for anyone aged under 10 or over 30. The USB Whack It, is based on the retro arcade game of hitting moles that pop-up from their burrows with a big mallet. Yes, that satisfying one.
To play this bite-sized version, simply tap each creature as they randomly light up and try to keep up with their increased speed. True you don’t get to hit things with a hammer, but this still looks equally addictive. As it’s a USB device, it’s easy to set-up on your work desk and will be the perfect procrastination tool for when that important document is due.
Priced at £9.95, you can afford one for each grandkid or each office kid.
What better gift to give your kid than money, and what better money to part with than all of your 1p and 2p coins that you’ve accumulated over the last 20 years? Well if you’re going to be on the cheap side, at least you can also get them this nifty coin sorting device.
This gadget will not only amuse kids for hours as they sort and add up their millions (of pennies that is) it will also start to teach them about being responsible about their own money. This time saving device automatically categorises each UK denomination into its correct tube whilst keeping tally of your cash at the same time. If the machine gets full, you will have saved a very decent £108 and you can choose to see the break down of the total of each coin or the grand total.
For £20, this gadget won’t break the bank.
Here’s something bound to light-up anyone’s eyes. The Candy Grabber as its name suggests, is your very own candy grabbing machine! And will save you money in the long run from not having to use the rip-off machines in shops and fair grounds.
You can fill the Candy Grabber with sweets you like which for diabetics or people on special diets means that for the first time they can actually eat the fruits of their endeavours. To operate, slot a token into the machine and for a precise 1 min 15 secs, you are in control of your next meal destiny. In true carnival style, you can manoeuvre the grabber into position using the three levers, grab the sweet object of your choice and release it down the shoot.
At £17.95, the Candy Grabber needs to be grabbed.
While this may not technically be a gadget, it is definitely pretty cool and will get the kids out of the house for a change. The Flying Lantern is a brilliant way to turn your night into a bit of a party by lighting this baby up and watching it glide through the air into the dark abyss.
Like a hot air balloon, these lanterns work on the principle of hot air rising and will reach heights of up to a staggering 1000m! Before you get the health and safety manual out, these lanterns are made out of flame retardant materials so as to not catch fire. When the fuel eventually burns out, the lantern will simply drift back to the ground. Adult supervision is still recommended, but what a great way to bond with your little one.
Coming in at a bitsy £4, this is a credit crunch toy that you can’t let fly from your grasp.
This gadget is not for the feint-hearted. While real spiders are creepy enough, how does a 16 X 16.5cm one grab you? Well if you’re a primary school boy, you’d love this!
The Remote Control Tarantula has eight independently powered legs and has perfected its creeping motion. The remote control has an 8 metre range which will allow you (or your 7-year-old terror) to be well out of sight while guiding this thing to surprise dad on a picnic or in the living room.
At £19.99, you’ve got nothing to fear when you reach the check-out.
Source: Paramount Zone
The Air Zooka is bound to keep the kids giggling until New Year’s. It is a bazooka that fires not destructive pellets, but soft puffs of air.
To use, simply pull back the knob at the back of the device and then release it to send a short burst of harmless air towards someone or even towards Fido. This gadget is simple in its execution, but sometimes the basic things make the most impact.
For £9.95, at least it won’t make an impact on your wallet.
This gadget is absolutely electric. This 3-in-1 game will let you know when you’ve lost by sending a harmless (well it has to be!) electric shock through your hand.
The first game programmed in is “50/50”, which requires each player to tap their button 50 times before their opponent- talk about RSI. Next on the games list is Rebound, involving batting a speedy light sequence back and forth. Don’t get your timing wrong otherwise you may be sporting a new hairstyle. Lastly comes Endurance which will really test your pain threshold. To play, just hold on for as long as you can whilst the shock intensity gradually increases.
At least you won’t be shocked by the price, which is £14.95.
While a waterfight may be a bit unthinkable in the midst of Winter, just remember that after snow comes sun and the next time you’ve got the family out in the back yard with a mix of hoses and super-soakers, imagine how much you’ll be crowned water fight royalty with the Widesling Waterbomb Launcher.
This launcher has a reach of a whopping 300ft and will make a watery impact on any tree, home or hillside near you. It is so powerful that it requires no less than three people to launch it. To operate this monster of a thing, each of you will need to grab a handle and hold it at shoulder height. Next, take the mighty elastic sling, pull it down to the ground and as far back as humanely possible, then fire away into your not-to-be-dry-for-long target.
Priced at £15.95 you can afford to soak the whole neighbourhood.
RC X-Twin Jet
Before you start thinking this looks sleek therefore must be a bit flimsy, rest assured- it’s not! The RC X-Twin Jet has wings made from robust EPP polyfoam which makes it stronger than Superman and perfect for use in the backyard.
As is important on Christmas day, the plane will charge quickly after it has been unwrapped. It will charge directly from the remote control which eliminates the need for yet another adapter in your cupboard.
On sale at the special web-only price of £14.95, you’re going to get change from your £20 which this nifty gadget was originally priced at.
Our last gadget will not only save you money but will also save the environment. The Bottle Catamaran invites you to save your plastic bottles (let’s face it, after Christmas dinner there will be scores left over) and use them to create your very own working catamaran.
To get this science show on the road, simply put the frame together, hook up the propeller up to the motor, stick in the batteries, slot in the bottles and (inhale) you’re ready to take your catamaran to the nearest body of water. This science project is a great way to spend some time with the kids while keeping them mindful of the environment at the same time. The added science element has got to be a winner too.
At £11.99 the cost of this gadget won’t rock the boat.
If you’ve found any other gadgets which you think we should have added to the list for under a £20 then drop us a comment.
8 thoughts on “Top 10 Credit Crunch Toys and Gadgets”
you got to love the remote control tarantula.. nice idea!
Cool gadgets and great blog
Coin sorter has to win it for me – it helps you save (and in a fun way) which is all important in the leaner times we are in now.
I like the candy grabber. It would be a great way to keep the Halloween candy consumption down.
Why isn’t Bop It in there
All the images and information are very interesting.Nice post