UK Gadget and Tech News, Reviews and Shopping



E3 2012: Nintendo, Microsoft & Sony Predictions

It's a big time of year for the big three console makers as E3 is less than a month away, and with all three manufacturers seemingly having one eye on the next generation – it's hard not to speculate about the impending announcements.

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Rumour Mill: Apple TV

When former Apple CEO Steve Jobs told his autobiographer that he’d “finally cracked it” when talking about an Apple TV – the entire tech world took notice. Everyone imagined a

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Playstation 4: What We Know So Far

Many expect this year to be the final swan song for the current generation of consoles with Nintendo already announcing their next-gen console, but what about Sony and Microsoft? Many insiders expect them to start making moves toward the next generation in 2012 - we run down what we know so far about the PS4.

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An absolute tech junky, I graduated from the University of Manchester with a degree in Computing and now live on the outskirts of Leeds working with you guessed it, Computers. I love all things gadgety but really dislike wires. For those of you who haven’t worked it out the name of the site is a combination of my nickname (Gaj) and the pronunciation ‘Gadget’.